Monday, November 16, 2009

Sen. Casey Says Climate Legislation Needs More Work

Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., said he has reservations about the climate change legislation in the Senate, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. He was quoted as saying: "Carbon pollution threatens our future and human life itself." Casey has declined to say he would support the bill, arguing instead for several changes. He took issue with the Senate bill's 20-percent reduction in GHG emissions from 2005 levels, saying the House bill's 17-percent reduction was "more manageable."

Casey told an audience at Carnegie Mellon University that he wanted "a lot more research and development" for carbon capture and sequestration technology and retraining funds for workers who would lose their jobs as more energy efficient generation technologies were adopted: "If we craft the right kind of energy bill, we can take control of our nation's economic, energy and national security while mitigating the impact on our workers and businesses." He said there was little chance climate legislation would be enacted this year, but argued that the delay should not hinder international climate talks set to begin next month in Copenhagen: "I hope that our international friends don't prejudge or misjudge what we've been trying to do."