Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Senate Support for Climate Bill Could Hinge on Clean Coal

Sources said they expected senators representing coal states to require including support for clean coal in the climate change bill in order to gain their approval, Investor's Business Daily reported today. The Kerry-Boxer bill included $10 billion for clean coal, but more support may be needed. The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity praised, but did not endorse, Kerry-Boxer, and it was seeking more funding to develop the technology.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., linked his support for a climate bill to the clean coal issue. George Peridas of the Natural Resources Defense Council and Cato Institute's Pat Michaels said commercial clean coal development will require federal support, with Michaels commenting that the issue "is really just an attempt to secure votes that just aren't there for the climate bill." Former EPA Administrator Christie Todd Whitman commented of clean coal: "There is still a lot of work to be done to make it viable, but really coal will always be part of our energy mix."