Friday, November 13, 2009

U.N. Climate Officer Skeptical On Climate Deal at Copenhagen

Janos Pasztor, director of the U.N. Secretary General's climate change support team has said that governments will reach an agreement in Copenhagen but a binding international agreement may be delayed if Congress failed to pass a climate bill before that, Dow Jones Newswires reported. Pasztor was quoted as saying: "The fact that we cannot come to a conclusion on the legally binding treaty at Copenhagen doesn't mean that we're lowering the bar. Governments will reach an agreement in Copenhagen on the key issues."

In order to get a binding international agreement, the U.S. has to commit to an emissions target and financing package without which the developing nations may not agree to any other conditions. There is a plan to send to Copenhagen an outline of legislation under discussion in the Senate by a group of lawmakers supportive of capping GHG emissions.