The Washington Post, in an editorial published today on climate legislation, said setting a progressive cap on CO2 emissions was preferable to trying to pass a bill that merely subsidizes alternative energy. Basing its opinion on proposed legislation expected from Sens. Lindsey O. Graham, R-S.C., John F. Kerry, D-Mass., and Joseph I. Lieberman, ID-Conn., the Post wrote: "If America is to deal with climate change, it has to reduce carbon emissions--the pollution caused by burning oil, gas and coal. The most cost-effective way to do that is by placing a price on carbon that gradually rises, which a cap could achieve. If well-designed, carbon pricing will attract private capital into the clean-energy effort and spur the technological innovation that will smooth the transition to a cleaner economy. Even a weak cap can be strengthened later, as long as the structure is in place."
Noting that some senators are pressing for a renewable energy bill without capping CO2, the Post wrote: "As the Senate begins to look beyond the health-care fight, the question legislators should be asking is not whether to put a price on carbon. It's how to do it best."