Friday, May 14, 2010

Climate Bill Would Launch Task Force to Study Overlapping Programs

The climate legislation launched this week in the Senate would set up a task force that would explore "how federal and state environmental programs would affect the ability of coal-fired power plants to lower their greenhouse gas emissions," ClimateWire reported, calling it a "little-noticed provision." The task force component was said to have "caused alarm among some environmental and public health advocates, who warned that the language could lead to exemptions from federal air pollution programs."

Industry representatives, as well as bill sponsor Sen. John F. Kerry, D-Mass., responded by saying the measure was only designed to "bring attention" to overlapping power-plant regulations. According to ClimateWire, the task force would be composed of representatives from EPA, Energy, Treasury, state public utility commissions and other relevant agencies, as well as the electricity-generating sector and nongovernmental organizations.