In a lead-in to Wednesday's scheduled meeting between President Obama and a bipartisan group of senators on climate and energy legislation, Bloomberg Businessweek reported that the session was expected to focus on new ways to target GHG emissions from power plants. On legislation aimed far more broadly, Pew Center on Global Climate Change President Eileen Claussen was quoted as saying the "longer we keep batting around proposals that do not have much of a chance, the less likely we are to get something that does have a chance" approved before elections in November.
EEI spokesman Dan Riedinger said investor-owned utilities have yet to take a position on legislation aimed solely at power plants because they were concentrating on economy-wide cap-and-trade proposals. Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein wrote that a "utilities-only cap-and-trade program should be designed such that it can eventually become an economy-wide cap-and-trade program."