The Los Angeles Times, in an editorial published today, said polls on energy policy indicated Americans were concerned about the environment and they are seeking leadership on the issue from President Obama. The newspaper noted that Obama's speech last week on the BP oil rig accident "was expected to mark the start of a major White House push for legislation aimed at clean energy and climate change, but the second part of that package went down like a crude-coated pelican. Obama's failure to mention cap-and-trade, or any other scheme to price greenhouse-gas emissions, suggests he doesn't intend to pursue it."
The Times wrote that Obama was bowing to political reality: "He can count votes as well as anybody, and it's clear that the 60 votes needed to overcome a Senate filibuster on a climate bill just aren't there. Yet the president's habit of leading from the rear is in part responsible for that." The Times said the other message underlying recent polls was that Americans appeared to have few substantial ideas about combating climate change, but they knew it would cost them a great deal.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
L.A. Times Calls for Climate Leadership From President Obama
Gulf spill,
President Obama,
Senate bill