Thursday, November 12, 2009

Salazar Expects Fossil Fuels to Remain Key Energy Resources

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, in an address at the Great Plains Energy Expo and Showcase at the Bismarck Civic Center, promoted an energy future for the U.S. that will include coal, natural gas, and oil as vital power generation sources, the Bismarck Tribune reported. Salazar assured fossil fuel supporters that the fuels "will remain a part of the energy portfolio in the future," and he specifically rejected the notion "that the day for coal has come and gone."

However, Salazar added, the U.S. "must deal with climate change," and the government should offer "the right incentives for industries that will be impacted" by GHG emissions limits. He praised North Dakota as being "at the point of the spear" for "a comprehensive energy plan" due to its mix of wind resources and coal and oil-based generation. Salazar was quoted as saying: "I don't want you to be scared, those of you here who are supportive of coal and oil and natural gas. The fact remains that oil, gas and coal are a very important part of our energy portfolio."